Is APS an R&D company?
Although APS is capable of providing R&D services, we are a fully managed services commercialization company that collaborates with industry partners to bring to market game changing products and solutions that utilize plasma technology.
What is the difference between a laser and plasma?
A laser emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation. Plasma is an ionized gas generated through an electromagnetic field. Plasma discharges can be utilized in laser technology. Furthermore, lasers can be used to generate a plasma discharge.
What is Non-thermal “Non-Equilibrium” plasma?
Non-thermal plasma is a “non-equilibrium” plasma discharge where the discharge energy is contained primarily in the electrons, while the energy ions and neutral molecules are much lower.
So is plasma like incineration?
No. incineration is complete combustion of a material, and the end products are water and carbon dioxide. Plasma can be used to decompose gases into valuable products such and hydrogen and carbon monoxide. It can also be paired with a partial oxidation process to produce valuable products. The goal of plasma processing is to produce valuable products as an alternative to complete combustion.
Why is plasma important?
In a thermal state, plasma is the only technology that can provide temperatures over 4,000° F. In a non-equilibrium state plasma can offer catalytic behavior by inducing controlled chemical reactions that can be achieved in both thermal and non-thermal systems. Adding to its significance is the fact that plasma can be created in a controlled lab environment.
What is Plasma?
Plasma is traditionally a term associated with blood, where it serves as the liquid component in which blood cells are suspended. It was not until 1928 that Irving Langmuir referred to ionized gas as plasma, when he compared the suspended blood cells to free electrons and ions in a plasma discharge. Even after this new application of the term, the general public had very little knowledge of ionized gas and its many applications. In fact, it was not until recently, when the sale of plasma televisions became widespread, that the general public understood the technology of plasma as a light and energy source.
As gases reach a thermal heat and are ionized, they turn into plasma – "the fourth state of matter". The universe is mostly made up of plasma, for instance sun, lightning, stars, etc. Over 150 years ago, scientists discovered plasma in a laboratory and since then have been studying it, researching it, and coming up with many inventions such as plasma TVs and plasma metal cutting torches. The core of plasma ranges in temperature from 11,000° – 14,500° Fahrenheit thus limiting its applicable use. Non-thermal plasma, often referred to as cold plasma, on the other hand ranges from room temperature to 4,500° Fahrenheit, opening up a vast world of applicable uses.
What does Advanced Plasma Solutions do?
APS specializes in providing custom products and solutions using non-thermal plasma technology for commercial as well as consumer use in the fields of Energy, Environmental Control, Agriculture, Medicine, 3D Printing, and Industrial applications.